Selected Topics in Astronomy – Extraterrestrial Life
Astro 9 | Summer 6W2
CCN: 15959
Time & Location:
This is a seminar on Extraterrestrial Life – Is Earth home to the only living organisms in the Universe or should we expect life elsewhere? And if Extraterrestrial Intelligent (ETI) civilizations do exist, could we expect to make contact with them? All the notes presented in class will become available on the course web site. Because of copyright considerations, the course material is protected. Access will be announced in class. Beyond just a simple presentation of facts and ideas, the aim of this course is to show that science is actually the study of what we do not know, rather than the solution of problems that we already understand. In addition, I hope to develop tools for critical evaluation of the role of life on our planet and possible directions for our future as a technological civilization. Above all, this is a good way to find out that science can be fun rather than drudgery!
To Register: http://classes.berkeley.edu/content/2017-summer-astron-9-001-lec-004