Astro Night

Thu, August 03, 2017

Astro night aug 3 lee

Talk Title

“The History and Science of Eclipses”

Talk Description

On August 21st, we will be treated to a total and partial solar eclipse across North America. In preparation, I will talk about the history and the science of eclipses, answering questions such as “When was the earliest recorded solar eclipse?” “How do we predict when and where we can see the eclipse?” and “Why are they so rare?” I will also discuss how we can observe the solar eclipse with and without a telescope, and what makes the eclipse exciting for scientists.


Eve Lee just obtained her PhD from UC Berkeley Astronomy and will be moving to Caltech as a Sherman Fairchild Postdoctoral Scholar in Theoretical Physics at the end of the summer. Currently, she is a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Integrative Planetary Science at UC Berkeley. She specializes in theoretical studies of planet and star formation. Her doctoral research focused on understanding the origin of super-Earths, studying the properties of their atmospheres and orbital architectures. Eve is originally from Toronto, Canada where she obtained her Hon. BSc in Astronomy and Physics at the University of Toronto.