Using Protoplanetary Disks to Weigh the Youngest Stars and Constrain The Earliest Stages of Stellar Evolution
Wed, November 04, 2015
Astrophysics of Molten Salt Breeder Reactors: Building a Nuclear Reactor Better than the Sun
Thu, October 29, 2015
Department Lunch Talk 10-29
Thu, October 29, 2015
The Department Lunch Talk series is a weekly event that features three 20 minute talks presented mainly by local scientists of any level to present their work to a broad spectrum of the department and usually includes one short talk by the astronomy colloquium speaker of the day. Subjects can include personal scientific research, reporting on other work appearing in journals, education and public outreach efforts, science policy, and professional development issues. Continue reading for this week's talk titles.
Galaxy Proto-clusters as an Interface Between Structure, Cluster, and Galaxy Formation
Tue, October 27, 2015
Sweating the small stuff: simulating dwarf galaxies, ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, and their own tiny satellites.
Mon, October 26, 2015