Astronomy Department Research Project
The MOSDEF Survey
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Project Description
The MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field (MOSDEF) survey is a large multi-year project with MOSFIRE on the 10-meter Keck I Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. With MOSDEF we observe the stellar, gaseous, metal, dust, and black hole content of ~1500 galaxies when the Universe was 1.5 to 4.5 billion years old. MOSDEF will result in more than an order of magnitude improvement over existing galaxy surveys at a similar distances.
The MOSDEF survey is being executed in three well-studied legacy fields with deep extensive multi-wavelength datasets: AEGIS, COSMOS, and GOODS-N. Within these fields we target the regions that are covered by the CANDELS and 3D-HST surveys.
MOSDEF is a UC-wide collaboration; co-PIs include Mariska Kriek from UC Berkeley, Alice Shapley from UCLA, Naveen Reddy, Brian Siana, and Bahram Mobasher from UC Riverside, and Alison Coil from UC San Diego.
Project Photos

Keck I open for business - Image Credit: Ethan Tweedie