2023-2024A Fall Lunch Talks
Fall 2023
Day and Time: Thursdays at “12:30” (12:40–1:30)
Location: 131 Campbell Hall (rooms A & B)
Organizers: Luke Kelley
Updated 2023/08/10. Bold means confirmed.
August 24:
- 1-slide 1-minute talks
August 31:
- Andrea Antoni (Berkeley): IIp or Not IIP: Modeling Weak Explosions of Red Supergiants
- Lorenzo Sironi (Colombia): To B or not to B: unveiling the origin of magnetic fields in the Universe
September 07:
- Anne Noer Kolborg (UC Santa Cruz): Constraining r-process production through metal mixing
- Vikram Ravi (Caltech): The 2000-antenna Deep Synoptic Array (DSA-2000) radio camera
September 14:
- Sal Fu (Berkeley): Metallicity Distribution Functions of Local Group Dwarf Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope Narrow-band Imaging
- Jonathan Tan (U Virginia): Supermassive black hole formation from Pop III.1 protostars
- Ting Li (Toronto): Milky Way’s Least-massive Satellites: Ultra-faint Globular Clusters or Extremely Compact Dwarf Galaxies?
September 21:
- James Sullivan (Berkeley) – New Aspects of Local Primordial non-Gaussianity in Galaxy Surveys
- Aaron Tohuvavohu (Toronto) – A Future of Abundant Space Telescopes
- Ken Shen (Berkeley)
September 28:
- Kishore Patra (Berkeley) – Constraints on the quasi-periodic eruptions in GSN 069
- Emiko Gardiner (Berkeley) – Beyond the Background: Gravitational Wave Anisotropy and Continuous Waves from Supermassive Black Hole Binaries
- Maria Drout (Toronto) – A Search for Yellow Supergiant Binaries: Towards a Population of Supernova Progenitor Analogs
October 05:
- Alessandro Savino (Berkeley) – Star formation and quenching in the ultra-faint dwarfs satellites of M31
- Wenbin Lu (Berkeley) – Precessing jets in tidal disruption events are choked by disk wind
- Masaru Shibata (Max Planck) – Exploring the collapsar scenarios in numerical relativity
October 12:
- Jennifer Bergner (Berkeley) – Accelerating `Oumuamua with radiolytically produced H2
- Richie Wang (Stanford) – Towards a unified model for dwarf galaxy formation with UniverseMachine
- Allyson Sheffield (CUNY LaGuardia) – Connecting Stellar Streams in Gaia
October 19:
- Lachlan T. Lancaster (Columbia) – What Pops the Wind-Blown Bubble
- Chema Palencia (IFCA Spain) – Extremely Magnified Stars: Probing High-z Stars and Compact Dark Matter
- Yuhan Yao (Berkeley) – Tidal Disruption Event Demographics with the Zwicky Transient Facility
October 26:
- Sanchit Sabhlok (UC San Diego) – Circumgalactic Environments around z=2 radio loud quasars
- Danielle Frostig (MIT) – WINTER: a new near-IR time-domain survey facility
- Jessica Lu (Berkeley) – Finding Black Holes with the Nancy Grace Roman Telescope
November 02:
- Anna Pusack (Berkeley) – The Galactic Center: Analysis of NIRSpec IFU data in crowded fields
- Maude Gull (Berkeley) – Massive Metal-Poor Stars in Leo A
- Kate Alexander (U Arizona) – The Paradigm-Altering Jet of GRB 221009A (“The BOAT”)
November 09:
- Sophia Risin (Berkeley): TDEs from Second Generation Mergers
- Mason Ng (MIT): Multifaceted Understanding of Accreting Neutron stars and their Environments: An X-ray Polarimetric Focus
- Ewan Douglas (U Arizona): How we built this: on the physics and techniques required to reach ultra-high contrasts
November 16:
- Macy Huston (Berkeley) – Microlensing & the Structure of the Milky Way
- Vighnesh Nagpal (Berkeley) – Breaking Giant Chains: Early Stage Instabilities in Long-Period Giant Planet Systems
- Karin Sandstrom (UC San Diego) – Molecular Gas Star Formation Efficiency and the CO-to-H2 Conversion Factor
November 23:
- Thanksgiving day, no meeting
November 30:
- Howard Isaacson (Berkeley): A Survey of Chromospheric Activity Through the Lens of Precise Stellar Properties
- Lingyuan Ji (Berkeley): Observability of lensed gravitational waves from massive black hole binaries with LISA
- Erik Petigura (UC Los Angeles): Automated Scheduling of Doppler Observations and the Traveling Telescope Problem