For outstanding scholarly achievement by a graduate student close to finishing their dissertation in Astronomy or in Physics with preference to Astronomy.
Andrea Antoni (Graduate) (Astronomy)
Chris Moeckel (Graduate) (Earth and Planetary Sciences)
For outstanding scholarly achievement by either an upper-level undergraduate student, or an outstanding graduate student early in their research career.
The Robert J. Trumpler Graduate Student Excellence Award
Created by alumni Martha Stahr Carpenter (M.A. 1943;Ph.D. 1945) in honor of her thesis advisor, the late Robert J. Trumpler. The Berkeley Trumpler Award will be given to one or more high-achieving graduate students per year in recognition of academic excellence and outstanding record of involvement in the department or wider astronomical community.
For outstanding scholarship by a graduating senior with major in Astrophysics or joint major in Physics and Astrophysics. The recipient of this award needs to have maintained a grade point average of 3.5 in the department.
The Teaching Effectiveness Award for GSIs honors a small number of GSIs who devise solutions to teaching or learning problems they have identified in their classes and write them up in a one-page essay. These essays are published on the GSI Center Website for future use and reference. The title of each winner’s essay is listed alongside their name.