Family Friendly Policies

Family Friendly Policies

The University offers a wide variety of benefits to cover employees and their family members. Types of coverage are dependent upon your type of employment. Please consult the following link from University Health Services to determine which level of coverage your title falls under:

UC Berkeley Family Friendly Benefits and Policies

For Faculty

The University of California has established policies to express its commitment to a workplace culture supportive of family care-giving responsibilities. Please refer to the Academic Personnel and Programs website on family friendly practices and policies for further information.

We have some of the best family-responsive policiesincluding:

  • Childbearing leave
  • Tenure clock extension for one year for both men and women caring for a newborn or child newly placed for adoption or foster care (requested within two years of the birth or placement); or for a serious personal health condition, illness of a family member, for bereavement, or for another significant circumstance or event.
  • A reduction of duties (typically less teaching) for one semester for parents who provide at least 50% of the care of a child. Birth mothers are entitled to two semesters.
  • We also support faculty in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act

More information can be found on the Office for Faculty Equity & Welfare website:

Campus Lactation Rooms

Are you a breastfeeding mother? The Breastfeeding Support Program (BFSP) is coordinated by the Wellness Program for Faculty & Staff. The BFSP serves faculty, staff, students, and their spouses/domestic partners, as well as employees at UCOP and LBNL who choose to continue breastfeeding after returning to work or school.

The BFSP program includes: Lactation rooms on campus with Ameda hospital-grade breastpumps Personal hygienikit to use with hospital-grade pumps sold at cost Breastfeeding classes facilitated by a certified lactation consultant.

For access to a lactation room, email: or call (510) 643-4646

More information can be found here:

Additionally, Astronomy offers a private lactation room in 529 Campbell (just bring your own pump).