Selected Talks

Illuminating Discovery: The Role of Light in Basic Science - Brianna Peck Moderated by Jessica Lu

Illuminating Discovery: The Role of Light in Basic Science

The Science of Teaching - Alex Filippenko (and others)

The Science of Teaching

What Black Holes Reveal About Gravity's Strangest Properties - Emily Liepold, Luke Kelley

What Black Holes Reveal About Gravity's Strangest Properties

Gravitational Waves: Messengers from Deep Space - Dan Kasen, Raffaella Margutti

Gravitational Waves: Messengers from Deep Space

Rising Stars of UC Berkeley Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Courtney Dressing (and other departments)

Rising Stars of UC Berkeley Mathematical and Physical Sciences

UC Berkeley Astronomers: Shedding Light on Black Holes - Chung-Pei Ma, Raffaella Margutti, Michael Medford, Moderated by Jessica

UC Berkeley Astronomers: Shedding Light on Black Holes

NASA’s Kepler Mission: The Search for Earth 2 - Gibor Basri

Science at Cal Gibor Basri How Many Planets are Out There?

The Dawn of Creation: The First Two Billion Years - Steven Beckwith

Distinguished Lecture in Astronomy: Steven Beckwith

Physics-Informed (and -informative) Generative Modelling in Astronomy - Joshua Bloom

Joshua Bloom: "Physics-Informed (and -informative) Generative Modelling in Astronomy"

Peering through Jupiter’s Clouds with Keck and the VLA - Imke de Pater

18 July 2017 - “Peering through Jupiter’s Clouds with Keck and the VLA” by Imke de Pater, PhD

How Do We Detect Life on Planets Orbiting Nearby Stars? - Courtney Dressing

Screen shot of title sequence in the video

Alex Filippenko in conversation with Lex Fridman

Alex Filippenko: Supernovae, Dark Energy, Aliens & the Expanding Universe | Lex Fridman Podcast #137

Alex Filippenko: Astronomer to the Stars

Alex Filippenko: Astronomer To The Stars

Peering Deep into the Milky Way with Infrared Astrometry - Jessica Lu

Screen shot of title sequence in video