I am a postdoctoral scholar working on various explosive transients including supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, Galactic novae, and fast blue optical transients. I use multi-wavelength follow-up observations to understand the energetics and environments of these events. I am particularly interested...Read more about Nayana A. J.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Miller Institute and Berkeley Lab
My research blends the distinct fields of cosmology, galaxy formation, particle physics, and statistics to reveal the answers to some of the most puzzling enigmas of our Universe: dark matter, dark energy, and neutrinos. In particular...Read more about Boryana Hadzhiyska
I am a postdoc in the Moving Universe Lab led by Jessica Lu, working on observations and simulations in the search for stellar mass black holes via gravitational microlensing.Read more about Macy Huston
I am an NHFP Einstein Fellow at UC Berkeley in the Department of Astronomy. I am a member of the CHIME/FRB Collaboration, and did my PhD at MIT Physics with Kiyo Masui. Since 2018 I’ve been playing a leading role in the CHIME/FRB Outriggers Project, which aims to VLBI-localize hundreds of fast...Read more about Calvin Leung
Dr. Rixin Li’s research uses numerical simulations to understand the evolution of dusty circumstellar disks, the formation of planets therein, and the astrophysics of black holes in AGN disks, from which he makes observable