In Campbell Hall
Gender-inclusive, accessible restrooms
Gender-inclusive and accessible restrooms are available on the 6th floor of Campbell Hall. UC Berkeley is engaged in an ongoing process to provide restroom facilities that serve the needs of all members of the campus, helping to create an overall inclusive campus environment for all members of our community. See here for more information.
Pronouns on Office Nameplates
You may choose to display your personal pronouns on your nameplate outside your office in Campbell Hall. Please contact our Department Coordinator if you would like to change your name or pronouns shown on your nameplate. To learn more about personal pronouns and why they matter, click here. UC Berkeley also provides a useful list of definitions relevant to LGBTQ+ identities.
Anonymous Dropbox
The metal dropbox located on the first floor of Campbell Hall provides a safe and anonymous way for anyone in the department to give feedback about anything related to the Astronomy Department. More information about the dropbox and a map showing its precise location in Campbell Hall can be found here

Recruitment & Admissions
Eliminated GRE/pGRE Requirement
The department has instituted a holistic evaluation process for graduate admissions that incorporates information from the complete application package. As part of these changes, the department has made both the General and Physics GRE optional for the 2023-2024 application cycle. Previous studies have shown that the Physics GRE can act as a barrier for admission of women and underrepresented minorities. See the explanatory note about how the GREs are used as part of the admissions process here
Prospective Graduate Visits Highlight Diverse Resources
The department invites all admitted students to visit. During this visit, we have breakout sessions for Queer Grads, Grads of Color, and Women in Astro in order to highlight resources available and to provide a sense of welcome to students of all identities.
Astronomy Climate Advisors
The mission of the Astronomy Climate Advisors (ACA) is to help devise and implement solutions to climate problems not necessarily involving formal investigations, and to serve as pointers to campus resources for conflict resolution and emotional and mental health. Any member of the Astronomy Department can come to any Climate Advisor for help.
More information about the Climate Advisors is here
Equity Advisor
The Equity Advisor helps ensure that diversity and equity are considered in all aspects of the academic mission. The Astronomy Equity Advisor meets with the other MPS Equity Advisors, the MPS Dean, and the MPS Diversity Director every month, to discuss departmental updates, division-wide efforts, university programs, etc.
More information about the Equity Advisor is here
Climate Surveys
In 2017, a Department Climate Survey organized by the Office for Equity & Inclusion (OEI) and the Astronomy Climate Advisors was circulated to residents of Campbell Hall covering issues of sexual harassment; discrimination along the lines of gender, race, and ethnicity; and supervisor relations. The survey results from OEI may be accessed HERE. The Department response, including follow up actions, can be downloaded HERE
The 2016 Department Climate Survey, together with the response from the Astronomy Climate Advisors, is here
The 2015 Department Climate Survey summary report may be accessed here. The Department’s response is here
EMERGENCY RESOURCES — For emergencies, dial 911
- UC Care Line (24/7 urgent support): 510-643-2005
- Alameda County 24 Hour Crisis Hotline (24/7 urgent support): 800-981-5900
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24/7 urgent support): 800-273-8255
- UC Police Department (non-emergency): 510-642-6760
- Berkeley Police Department (non-emergency): 510-981-5900
- Trevor Project 24/7 Crisis Hotline: 866-488-7386 or click here