
How can you support Astronomy?

We invite you to explore the ways you can make a meaningful investment in our mission of creating knowledge, education leaders, and serving society.  Your investment in our continued success helps advance our mission of educating, researching and achieving new heights in the study of Astronomy. To make your gift please click on one of the “Support Fund” buttons below.

Friends of Astronomy Fund

Berkeley Astronomy is home to world-renowned scientists and researchers and is universally regarded as one of the top astronomy departments in the world. Our talented faculty and students are engaged in research, innovation, and instruction at the forefront of many fields including theoretical and observational astrophysics; infrared, optical, and radio astronomy; galactic structure and dynamics of stellar systems; high-energy astrophysics and cosmology; and spectroscopy.

The Student Observatory Fund

The Student Observatory fund assists with the purchase and maintenance of the latest instrumentation and teaching observatories managed by the Astronomy Department. The fund also provides support for the department’s upper-division undergraduate laboratory course – the capstone experience for all astronomy majors.

Astronomy Graduate Student Support Fund

This fund supports Astronomy graduate students in their teaching and research activities. Donations will be used for such expenses as travel, observation fees, charges related to student research papers, and research equipment.

Friends of Lick Observatory Fund

Situated atop Mt. Hamilton, Calif., Lick Observatory serves astronomers from eight UC campuses, as well as Lawrence Berkeley Lab and Lawrence Livermore Lab. Gifts to this fund support the science operations, instrument development, student training, and public outreach efforts at Lick Observatory. As an active research facility and a Bay Area icon, Lick is an incredible place for our astronomers to study the cosmos.

Your Gift Will:

Create student research opportunities

Fund outreach events and projects

Enhance courses and educational programs

Other Ways to Support Astronomy:

There are many other ways to help the department maintain excellence in all aspects of research and teaching. If the fund you wish to support does not appear above, please contact our Associate Development Director, Ryan Guasco (, 599-8698) OR send a check (made out to the UC Berkeley Foundation) with allocation instructions to:

UC Berkeley
Donor and Gift Services
1995 University Avenue, Suite 400
Berkeley, CA 94720

For more information about how to give (i.e. securities, bank transfer, planned giving), please visit How Can I Give to UC Berkeley? for instruction.