Carl Heiles

Job title: 
Professor of the Graduate School, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy
Astronomy Department

Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. Undergraduate at Cornell in Engineering Physics; PhD at Princeton in Astrophysical Sciences. At Berkeley from summer 1966 onwards, with some time out at Arecibo Observatory, Boulder, and Green Bank. 

Research interests: 

My primary interest is the observational specification of the physical state of diffuse interstellar gas, especially the magnetic field and the HI/H_2 transition. A recent second interest is the measurement of electron density and magnetic fields in Coronal Mass Ejections of the Sun and other stars. To these ends I work with collaborators mainly in the U.S., China, and Australia and use mainly the Arecibo telescope, the Green Bank telescope, the upcoming Chinese FAST telescope, and the Australian ATNF.

Specialty Areas: Interstellar matter,Numerical analysis,Radio astronomy.

Full CV: 


(510) 280-8099
501S Campbell Hall