I am a third-year Department of Energy SCGSR graduate student with interests in optical/IR instrumentation, galaxies, transients, and cosmology. I am also especially interested in using statistical techniques to analyze large survey data. I work primarily at LBNL on developing ultra-low noise, photon-counting optical/near-IR CCD detectors with Julien Guy for future spectroscopic surveys (e.g., DESI-II, Spec-S5) and on the La Silla Schmidt Southern Survey (LS4) with Peter Nugent. I graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a B.S. in Physics, B.S. in Astrophysics, and a minor in mathematics, where I worked with Alexandra Pope and Grant Wilson on developing predictive simulations to guide observations for the TolTEC camera, a millimeter-wave detector on the Large Millimeter Telescope.