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I am an astronomer interested in developing novel algorithms to help solve the most pressing questions in modern-day astrophysics. I am best known for discovering the first Fast Radio Burst (FRB) at the highest radio frequencies. My developed GPU-accelerated and Machine Learning-enabled tool – named SPANDAK – actively used by researchers at eight observatories to search for FRBs. I deployed and commissioned special purpose compute hardwares at seven observatories to searches for FRBs and some of the most novel types of technosignatures; which are signs of activities of technologically-advanced extraterrestrial life. I am leading/co-leading/collaborating cutting-edge technosignature searches across a dozen observatories.
I work with Breakthrough Listen project, which is a US $100M project to search for evidence of technologically advanced and intelligent life in the Universe I received my PhD degree from the National Center for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA-TIFR) in India while working with the world’s largest radio mid-frequency radio telescope — the GMRT. As one of the team members of the Breakthrough Listen team, I lead SETI activities around half-a-dozen radio telescopes around the globe including telescopes located in China, Ireland, Sweden, India, Italy, and the UK.