
Nayana A. J.

Postdoctoral Scholar
Astronomy Department

I am a postdoctoral scholar working on various explosive transients including supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, Galactic novae, and fast blue optical transients. I use multi-wavelength follow-up observations to understand the energetics and environments of these events. I am particularly interested in looking at the radio emission that arises due to the interaction of fast-moving outflows from these transients with the surrounding medium.

I was born and raised in India, where I obtained a PhD in Astrophysics. Before joining Berkeley, I was a DST INSPIRE Faculty fellow at the Indian...

Boryana Hadzhiyska

Postdoctoral Fellow, Miller Institute and Berkeley Lab

My research blends the distinct fields of cosmology, galaxy formation, particle physics, and statistics to reveal the answers to some of the most puzzling enigmas of our Universe: dark matter, dark energy, and neutrinos. In particular, I compare predictions from powerful numerical simulations with observations from cutting-edge galaxy experiments, jointly analyze early Universe probes (e.g., cosmic microwave background) and galaxy observations, and develop...