I work with the Moving Universe Lab at Berkeley (MULab) on studying the orbital motion of binaries in microlensing events. Microlensing is almost like a cosmic “funhouse mirror” effect, where light from a distant source becomes brighter as it passes behind a gravitational lens. Several microlensing events are predicted to be binary, and at long-duration binary microlensing events, the orbital motion and dynamics of the involved binary system become extremely important. I make changes to a microlensing software called the Bayesian Analysis of Gravitational Lensing Events (BAGLE) by accounting for the orbital motion of binaries. Doing so helps us study astrometric (position-based) and photometric (light-based) microlensing signals more efficiently. Eventually, these new models will be added to BAGLE’s open-source code and used to fit prospective black hole candidates.
Being a student peer mentor for the Physics and Astronomy Division of the Undergraduate Lab at Berkeley (ULAB). I had minimal research experience coming into Berkeley and ULAB helped me gain confidence as a researcher. It helped me develop the necessary habits instrumental in professional research and played a massive role in helping me find research with MULab. As a mentor with ULAB, my focus has been to create a safe space for my mentees and develop a community of curious astrophysicists. After graduation I plan to go to graduate school. I love anything with the words “stellar” and “binaries” in it. My dream is to build a professional career around studying binary systems, and going to graduate school is the next logical step.
Advice for future Astrophysics majors?
I would remind future astrophysics majors that they totally deserve to be here! Whether via clubs like UAS and ULAB, going to the Astro colloquia/TAC/CIPS seminars, or even simply hanging out in the KAIT lounge, I strongly advise every future (and current) astrophysics major to put themselves out there. I know how uncomfortable it can be to put yourself out there, but seeking discomfort and challenging yourself is the ultimate mind-bogglingly gratifying Berkeley experience!