Astronomy Graduate Courses • Fall 2017

  • Planetary Astrophysics

    Astro C249

    CCN: 67235

    Instructor: Courtney Dressing

    Introduces graduate students and advanced undergraduates to the dynamic field of planetary systems. We will cover the instruments and techniques used to detect and characterize planets, planet formation, interior structures of planets, planetary dynamics, planetary atmospheres, habitability, and biosignatures. As part of the course, students will discuss current journal articles and conduct original research.   


  • Stellar Structure and Evolution

    Astro 252

    CCN: 46572

    Instructor: Eliot Quataert

    Equations of stellar structure, radiative transfer and convection, thermonuclear reactions and stellar energy generations; stellar models, degenerate configurations, evolutionary sequences, supernovae, neutron stars, black holes, nucleosynthesis.


  • Theoretical Astrophysics Seminar

    Astro C285

    CCN: 13084

    Instructor: Eliot Quataert

    The study of theoretical astrophysics.


  • The departments of Astronomy and Earth and Planetary Science offer a joint research seminar in advanced topics in planetary science, featuring speakers drawn from graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and visiting scholars. Topics will span planetary interiors; surface morphology; atmospheres; dynamics; planet formation; and astrobiology. Speakers will vary from semester to semester. Meetings will be held once a week for…
