Wenbin Lu

Job title: 
Assistant Professor
Astronomy Department

Lu received a PhD degree in Astronomy from the University of Texas at Austin in 2018 and bachelor in physics from Peking University in 2013. Before joining UC Berkeley, he was a Burke Fellow at Caltech (2018-2021) and then a Spitzer Fellow at Princeton University (2021-2022).

Research interests: 

Wenbin is interested in high-energy transient phenomena — the sources that suddenly show up luminously on the sky and then quickly fade away — including fast radio bursts, tidal disruption events, quasi-periodic eruptions, gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, compact object mergers. These sources are the Universe’s most extreme physics labs where violent interactions occur in an environment of high energy density, large spacetime curvature, and/or strong magnetic fields. The goal is to theoretically understand the underlying mechanisms that control the multi-wavelength/messenger behaviors of these spectacular events. Wenbin’s studies involve plasma physics, special/general relativity, hydrodynamics, radiative transfer, stellar dynamics, (binary) stellar evolution, and accretion disk physics.

Publications: Click here to view Wenbin's publications

Website: Click here to view Wenbin's website

Full CV: