
Name Job title Role
Itai Sfaradi Postdoc Postdoc
Katie Sharpe Graduate Student
Ken Shen Assistant Researcher Researcher
Andrew Siemion Director, Berkeley SETI Research Center Researcher
Steven Stahler Research Astronomer Researcher
Daniel Stark Professor of Astronomy Faculty
Alexander Tielens Visiting Scholar Visiting Scholar
Emma Turtelboom Graduate Student
Sergiy Vasylyev Graduate Student
Anthony Vitan Director of Facilities, Math and Physical Sciences Dean's Office Staff
Dan Weisz Associate Professor of Astronomy; Head Graduate Advisor Faculty
Dan Werthimer Chief Scientist, SETI Researcher
Martin White Professor of Physics, Astronomy Faculty
Eli Wiston Graduate Student
Michael H. Wong Planetary Scientist Researcher
Dirk Wright R&D Engineer Staff
Melvyn Wright Research Astronomer Researcher
Yuhan Yao Miller Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoc
J. J. Zanazzi 51 Pegasi b Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoc
WeiKang Zheng Researcher