
Name Job title Role
Emiko Gardiner Graduate Student
Diana Garza Student Associate Staff
Huazhi Ge Postdoc Postdoc
Reinhard Genzel Professor of the Graduate School, Professor Emeritus of Physics, Astronomy Emeriti Faculty
Ben Godfrey Postdoc
Satya Gontcho A Gontcho Project Scientist, Berkeley Lab Researcher
James Graham Professor Emeritus of Astronomy Emeriti Faculty
Hannah Gulick Graduate Student
Maude Gull Graduate Student
Boryana Hadzhiyska Postdoctoral Fellow, Miller Institute and Berkeley Lab Postdoc
Erica Hammerstein Postdoc
Caleb Harada Graduate Student
Carl Heiles Professor of the Graduate School, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy Emeriti Faculty
Hao-Tse (Howard) Huang Graduate Student
Macy Huston Postdoc Postdoc
Howard Isaacson Academic Researcher, Specialist Series Researcher
Raymond Jeanloz Professor of Earth and Planetary Science, Astronomy Faculty
Luke Johns NASA Einstein Fellow Postdoc
Steven Kahn Dean of Mathematical & Physical Sciences; Professor of Physics, Astronomy Faculty
Paul Kalas Adjunct Professor of Astronomy Adjunct Faculty